Selamat tinggal bulan penuh Barokah.
Semoga kita dapat berjumpa lagi dengan Ramadhan tahun hadapan.
Selamat Hari Raya Eidul Fitr.
Maaf Zahir & Batin.
few days to go.
Moga dipermudahkan dalam segala urusan :')
Welcome readers. Please be informed that you have entered a personal blog. This blog sometimes consist a lot of annoying self-pitiness, whining, and those gedik2 thingy. Do not read further if you can’t stand the gedikness, whininess and annoyingness. Click on the red 'X' button on the upper-right side of this page straight away. Thank you
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Bestnyaaaa! :3
haha tunggu yg nisah, lagiiiiiii best! blom ade bf, berjanggut pun blom tentu lg nisah punya turn.. :P
alolo nisah.
takde janggut nye kitorg.
kitorg ni gen XX.
tade campo Y ni.
cepat tunang.
pasni bleh gathering time nisah tunang plak. :D
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