Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mark Your Calendar : Only Once in A Lifetime

Hi ppl :)

Two moons on 27th August 2010
27th Aug the Whole World is waiting for............. 

Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will cultivate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles off earth. Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am. It will look like the earth has 2 moons.

The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287.
Share this with your friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again

p/s: share this with others. we'll be looking at the same 'two' moons on 27th August. Jiwang kan? Auww. But still, its not 'New Moon' T___T

p/s/s: I've got this info from Dr. Sabrina @ our SCE 3107 Yahoo! Group. This Y! Group is actually a place we can share our notes or anything on the topic Ecosystem & Biodiversity.

p/s/s/s: Diugut untuk berbuat baik. Padah silap sent sms :((((((( arghhhhh!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

For The Rest of My Life

By: Maher Zain

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart

Artist: Maher Zain
Album: Thank You Allah
Copyright: Awakening Records 2009

p/s: You can download it here.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Password Protected Entry 05


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Human.. and passionately in love. :)

This entry I dedicate specially for dearest girlfriends, Idiey (in-reply for this entry "Merapu"), TRet & Mira and everybody! :)

Pernah terfikir yang you perlukan seorang girlfriend/boyfriend? (Idiey, don't say no!). Kadang-kadang, biasa lah tu naluri setiap orang yang nakkan seseorang yang lebih rapat dengan kita dan kita boleh berkongsi hampir semuanya dengan orang tersebut. Yes, you may have many friends to tell stories but it sometimes you think that you really need someone special. But, do you know that LOVE is about the laugh and tears?

I write based on what had happened around me, in my circle.

It sometimes can be awfully annoying. Ada sesetengah golongan yang in love sampai terlupa orang disekeliling. Sampai lupa kawan yang sama-sama bergelak ketawa, kawan yang bersusah-susah bersama dan terus hanyut dengan perasaan cinta. Bagi golongan ni, orang sekeliling dah tak penting, dan dalam dunia mereka yang berbunga-bunga tu hanya ada mereka berdua. Hati-hati. Mungkin apa yang akan berlaku tak seindah yang diimpikan. Waktu tu, kawan-kawan yang tak nampak tadilah segalanya. Friends are always there for you. Kawan-kawan boleh terima you kembali, but hey tak malu ke? Waktu you gembira, going here and there macam belangkas, nampak kawan pon buat-buat tak nampak but when everything is over, you TERmenangis TERmengadu TERsedih pada kawan-kawan tu tadi. Once you've broke someone's heart, it will remain like forever. Mungkin you dimaafkan, tapi mereka takkan menaruh apa-apa harapan lagi. And you must remember, what goes around comes around. It's karma.

Kebanyakan orang tersangatlah ingin falling ni. Nampak kawan-kawan macam bahagia je. Dalam hati asyik cakap "aku nak boyfriend, aku nak boyfriend". For me, you don't have to have that kinda feeling. Dulu, waktu mula-mula nak pandai ehem ehem ni, I never thought of having boyfriend. Lagi pon, mase tu one of my best friend baru je break-up. Takda lah rasa macam nak bercouple sampai tegolek-golek, tenggiling busuk pon malu. Kononnya mase tu adalah pengajaran memandangkan kawan baik dah break-up lah katekan. Tapi, when he came, saya hanya ikut apa yang patut. And.. puuffff! Now, it's our 3rd year. :) Saya tak pernah terfikir untuk dapatkan teman dalam masa terdekat (mase tu lah ye). Saya berserah dan bila sampai waktunya, saya cuma bersedia. (and now, I love u. eh? HAHA).

oohh. Don't say that am not happy with my love life. Saya sangat bersyukur dan saya sentiasa berdoa agar jodoh kami dipanjangkan dunia dan akhirat, InsyaAllah. Tapi, sudah jadi adatlah kalau dalam sesuatu perhubungan ada hari gembira macam takda hari esok dan ada juga hari masing-masing keluarkan cakar beruang. Masing-masing tak nak kalah. Lepas tu sedih sana sini. Teehee.. Alhamdulillah, lepas seketika masing-masing pon dah mula sedar kesilapan dan cuba baiki keadaan. Yang penting, segala yang terjadi kami jadikan satu pengajaran dan cuba untuk elakkan daripada hal-hal macam tu berlaku lagi :')

He taught me a lot. Dia berikan masa untuk saya dan kawan-kawan, tidak memaksa untuk saya berhenti melakukan sesuatu (though he don't really like it) dan dia jadikan saya lebih baik. Dia jadikan saya seorang penyabar, mengajar saya untuk tak meluahkan perasaan sedih/gembira di merata-rata tempat sampai orang pon get annoyed nak bukak facebook/blog, dan yang paling penting untuk terus saling mempercayai :'). Saya jugak gembira dengan kawan-kawan yang sangat bahagia dan tahu untuk membezakan waktu bersama lover & juga kawan. 

Cinta perlukan air mata. So, sediakan air mata banyak-banyak and you're ready! HAHA. That tears will bring you the greatest happiness that you'll ever had. Sesuatu kejayaan memerlukan pengorbanan. So, deal with it!

Idiey, bercinta tak semestinya bahagia. As long as you are not yet ready, don't give it a try. It's not worth it to sacrifice your single life if you just wanted to try. Banyak benda lagi best yang boleh nak cuba, bungee jumping sounds good tho! :') Have a wonderful time with your friends, the time that you will never get quite after you've got married. Bweheheh. And to whom has falling, berdoalah untuk kekal selamanya. As for me, am not easily falling for someone. And I hope he is the one that can take my hand, wrap his hand on me holding me against him and lead the way of our life.

Have faith. There will be someone for you out there, sama ada cepat atau lambat sahaja. The time will come.

Saya bukan Dr. Love. Saya pon belom kawen lagi. You can ask mommy since dia  lagi expert kot. For me, she has a great life with her husband and son :) This is just my personal thought bout relationship. It's complicated. Setiap orang ada cara masing-masing to convey love. And for him, I think he's never show it to anybody rather than me yet I'm still happy since he love me in his own style. Hahaha.. I think I'll just be dreaming to have him with loviey-doviey words on my facebook's wall. LOL :P

As for TRet, jangan sedih-sedih. Satu hari nanti pasti ada yang lebih baik. Have fun dulu.. HEHE. Mira Mira, am not sure how was your feeling. Susah sangat nak cakap pasal cinta-cinta neh. Hati tegar nampaknye :P Well, it is good for you tho. Tak payah pening-pening kan? Nanti dah ada tu, adalah :)

Carilah seseorang yang memahami dan mengajar. Mengajar tidak semestinya mengongkong. Seseorang yang tidak akan menarik sesuatu dari hidup you malah memberi segala sokongan dan nasihat. :)

Nak kawen nanti bercinta lah kan? Don't waste your time for something that you wasn't sure.

Bercintalah seadanya. :)

credit: TRet

p/s: correct me if i'm wrong. this is only my personal thought, don't easily jump into conclusion. It is you that going to shape your own love life. Good luck guys!